Highlights and Conversation to Guide Your Recruitment Strategy
Key Takeaways
- Be empathetic and proactive in serving your community. Your students' needs vary depending on their pandemic experience—some are looking for more personal connection, others face digital exhaustion, and others feel they missed out.
- Bring students into the conversation and infuse your content with their voice.
- The power of collaboration and the collaboration that's needed to address all of the trends we’re seeing in our research.
Presented By
Campus Sonar Marketing Manager Rebecca Stapley and guest experts:
- Kelly Ratliff, Sonarian and recent recruitment/admissions manager
- Danielle Sewell, Director of Digital Communications and Marketing at York College of Pennsylvania
- Kristofer Stubbs, Executive Director of Enrollment Services at Community College of Allegheny County
- Emily Stulz, Director of Social Media at University of Arizona